
The Ardross-man



New kit

The Training Hall is really becoming homely and I’ve received two really heavy duty punchbags and frames donated by Stewart from North Ayrshire Muay Thai – a huge “Thank you” Stewart.

And I also got some extra free weights;

As well as a new leg press and some spin bikes;

Our gym and training area is now complete. 😀

Thanks to everyone who has helped by donating pieces of kit. It really is very much appreciated.

Finished hall

The hall is finally ready for me to run classes and courses in.

Part of the problem with a Victorian aged building is that the list of repairs and renovations can become endless but I decided to bite the bullet and simply do what we can and need to do for my charity, The Scottish Centre for Personal Safety, to function.

This is what it looked like before;

hall1 hall2

And this is after;

image image

We have 4 free standing punchbags, 3 Body Opponent Bags, a huge matted area and a large crash mat for our self defence training.

We also have 2 battle ropes, 20 jump ropes and a large selection of kettlebells for our circuit training.

Plus we have a small gym area consisting of free weights, an assisted dip and pull-up machine, a small multi-gym, a vibro-plate, a spin bike and a cable crossover machine.

image image image image

Pretty cool, eh?


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