There have been some fantastic photos taken of the Ardrossan coastline over the last few months which inevitably include the Barony St. John church and hall buildings.

img_0611The above photo shows the snow capped mountains of the Isle of Arran behind the church as well as the masts of the sailing yachts in Ardrossan Marina.

By contrast, as Autumn draws in, this photo of a foggy day taken by Peter Ribbeck is very atmospheric. I love the lone person dressed in the long coat walking the dog – it makes the picture feel like it was taken in Victorian times.


This one of a sunset night by Marion Allison Ramage looks warm and lovely….

And this sunset sees shining rays of light beaming onto the Barony St John in this photo again by Peter Ribbeck.


Finally, this awesome photo by Michael Scott Jr. is one of my favourites….perfect for Halloween. 😀


This coastal view – this iconic, beautiful building is absolutely stunning……and the many photographs and fond memories go far beyond the local community.

How can we not want to save this iconic building?

We’ve saved the church hall building, turning it into a Centre for my charity (The Scottish Centre for Personal Safety – and a community asset through our many evening classes (Muay Thai, Ladies Boxing Bootcamp, Kids Krav Maga, Circuit training, etc.) now let’s hope our feasibility study comes up with a viable option for the church building’s future use.

So, have another look at the photos above and tell me what your favourite one is and why. 🙂